Training, Coaching and Change Management


No stopping or standing.

The reality we are experiencing is overwhelming certainties and points of reference. There is therefore a greater need than ever to work on people's skills and their ability to face and manage change, seizing all the opportunities that each transformation offers.

Hard or soft skills?

We believe that there is no prevalence of one over the other, the recipe for success is the right combination of hard and soft skills.

Work on skills to support growth

There growth and development of its resources has always represented acritical success factor for an organization, in this historical moment this need is, if possible, even more pressing.

Grow our clients' resources
is in the DNA of P&I Consulting, as in coherence with our vision of Operational Excellence, this is
the only way to a
sustainable improvement

Consistent with ours
multidisciplinary approach
we provide training courses in very different areas, dealing with both
technical issues
hard skills
), is
transversal and relational skills
soft skills

We build
training courses defined ad hoc based on specific customer needs
which they associate with
theoretical part and experiential part
, to allow the practical application of the concepts learned. We propose a
extremely pragmatic approach, our goal is to provide resources with tools that allow them to
increase their level of efficiency and effectiveness in managing their work activities

Even in the training field, at
that we use to create original training courses for our customers, we associate
absolute rigor of method and approach
. For example, with reference to the issues of Health and Safety at work, P&I Consulting is a
AIFOS Training Center
), the most prestigious Italian association in this field.

Further testimony of ours
attention to international standards and best practices
is represented, in the context of Operational Excellence, by having achieved the qualification of
Training provider
of the
Council for Six Sigma Certification
(CSSC), a professional association that represents the global reference in the field of Lean Six Sigma certification.

P&I Consulting also carries out consultancy activities
for the benefit of its customers. The coaching paths are defined on the basis of
specific needs
and may concern the law
corporate leadership or operational resources
for which a need for strengthening has been identified in particular areas (e.g. delegation skills; communication effectiveness; ability to work in a team; ...).

Coaching activities can be carried out as
independent activities
or they can be placed within the scope of
more complex projects
such as the deployment of an Improvement Program.

This second area includes:
Change Management Programs
, within which a
strategic, structured and disciplined approach
, to lead individuals, teams and organizations towards defined objectives.

In the case of process redesign, technological changes or, in general,
significant discontinuities
, the goal is to
overcome the gap between the current situation and a desired future state

Correct change management involves the
involvement of people in decision making
. Individuals thus become i
main supporters of the desired future state
. If we don't proceed in this way, the people involved in the change will feel bad
victims of the situation and without any power
. This loss of control generates a
loss of trust and a resistance to change
which, in some extreme cases, can also lead to actions that sabotage the change.


Our training interventions, coaching activities and support in managing change are designed in a personalized way, based on your needs
specific customer needs

Some examples of the most common types of intervention are:

  • Operational Excellence Training
- Lean Six Sigma certifications (
Yellow Belt
Green Belt
Black Belt
, ...);

- Lean training (5S, Value Stream Mapping, ...);

- Lean Safety course;

- Problem Solving Tools;

- .......

  • Transversal skills training (
  • soft skills
  • )

- Effective communication;

- Negotiation techniques;

- Listening and relationship management;

- Facilitation and management of meetings;

- Time management;

- Storytelling;

- .......

  • Coaching and Support for change
  • (
  • Change Management
  • )

- Executive coaching;

- Team coaching;

- Key talent coaching and mentoring;

- Assessment center;

- Adoption of smartworking;

- Crisis management;

- Succession plans and generational transition;

- Improvement programs (see the section dedicated to Operational Excellence);

- .......

  • Workplace safety training
  • (For details of the courses, please refer to the section of the site dedicated to Safety at work)

We invite you to contact us for further information or specific needs
Contact form


P&I Consulting is able to offer solutions to finance, in whole or in part, its training and consultancy interventions

Financing can be obtained by making use of the Interprofessional Joint Funds for Continuing Education.
These funds make it possible to finance both classroom activities and improvement interventions which, as mentioned, involve the organization's resources and are configured as on-the-job training.

Alternative financing channels are also available (e.g. European Social Fund, ..).

P&I Consulting, through its partners, is able to identify the most suitable financing solutions, plan the intervention and find the funds and, finally, manage the reporting. All this at no cost to the customer.

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